Bigger People Explained to Me Why They DO NOT Want Me to Finance a Feature Movie, or Much at All

It is too criminal a climate and I’d get robbed and injured before getting to do much. It has happened to others: They gathered funds, took out loans and got mugged for the IPs and money. I’m very small in person without mafia around me. Even they would have me mugged, even politely.

I wish to add even in the 1970s I was looked at as a line producer in the future… NOT a funding partner. Office administration, a worker. I was also labeled an executive producer at times, however it WAS ONLY A LABEL AND FRAME OF MIND… I was not moving money or controlling people myself.

I was also labeled a mafia actress… and that was to keep me out of the lists for real producing. Young men told me to do it, knew I was in too deep as a youth and identity theft victim.

This is a repeat of information I’ve given before.