Beware of Old Messages Especially About Money and Money Handlers

For instance, “We can wake Sarah up later to pay people.” This was actually a figurative phrase in the 1970s. There was a person nicknamed “Goldie” who was paying people and a biggish older-aged looking Mexican/Incan “Steven” took over from her. I could have been her replacement when I was older, I was not. The “wake her up to pay people” could have been simply activating me for it once I was an adult. Would have needed to be connected and guarded, protected and instructed and informed properly… including connected to the funding sources. I was originally slated to be a line producer for A.E.I. and I was mugged many times before I was a teenager. Some of the attacks were in Hawaii, others I was actually taken to the back lot and others were announced as I lay on the ground in pain. It really looked like people were creating future jobs for me just to mug me for them–never a real intent to program me into work in a workplace.

Fast and Furious (2009 feature film). I could have been a funding producer on it IF I had actually been connected at CAA for work long before then and I had been a WGA member. It was originally thought I’d have money to be a funding partner, and that was before I was dismissed from any writing work at all even before the 1980s. Rumor is more than one “Chris” mugged me for my real work on many productions (1970s). Some had thought someday I’d even participate as a non-WGA writer on this Fast and Furious (2009) film. I may have done some location scouting, I was never typing out anything for anyone to act out on camera.