Being a KEY Spielberg?

It probably isn’t allowed to be said. I’m likely still a key Spielberg in the U.S. even though I am supposed to be VERY DEAD MEAT. Here is the problem: I am NOT allowed to be a publicly known, public speaker. I have been USED and ideas boosted by KEY gang members from more than one gang(and political party) it appears. Because of this system of people, I have to be DEAD MEAT… and yet… something may be going wrong somewhere because someone may have expected to “keep going”.

A long time ago, someone told Disney leadership to inform me: “Take retirement age if you turn 50 and have no contract for work.” It was likely a message from A LOT OF PEOPLE, just used them to tell me.*

I don’t have money to fund people to keep going. It was ANNOUNCED in the 1970s that I would not. It was MADE VERY CLEAR how beat up and terrorized I was… meaning… I was NOT THE ACTUAL MONEY SOURCE for anyone. Gangs and their people had to step in to pay to heal me. I fell under the care of many people. They KEPT ME a “baby” to use. A small, limited person. In a company structure I would have been a small trusted employee, not high in the corporation to sit in the board room.

Feeling stuck. Unable to make changes. I’ve written it before: it would take a very known politician to “bring me out of the wilderness” and into the public even just locally in San Diego, CA. The danger I face is competition and my health looks okay, however I am not likely to do well with any physical or chemical hits. I could drop dead. My body is fragile from a life of “getting through a lot”. I have survived gang attacks both physical and chemical/toxins. By design right now the goal was to allow me to take care of myself so no one had to be hired to care for me. In different years, I have forced myself to gain strength and do more than sit around. I cannot walk a mile with my dog right now. Not well enough.

*If this is not the case, understand I am NOT UNDER A CONTRACT and NONE have been offered. I am technically retired from big things and just self employed minimally IF I ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING that makes money–which I’m not doing most months even years. There are likely others just like me, sitting around not doing much and not funded enough to help others. May be why I’m allowed to write things out online. OTHER KEY PEOPLE who have mattered a lot may be retired and sitting around and younger ones asking, “Why can’t you help me/us? Fund something? Do more?”