Beer 53! Come all ye who need suds!

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If you believe in evil spirits among us, on the wind, in person, even just in your head… A sense that I need to appease the local gang peoples and remind them how RETIRED and DISABLED I am to do much for others. What I can do, and if you copy this I won’t care… I want to SPONSOR a ROUND of BEER at a local San Diego haunt for my next July birthday when I turn 5-3. I may or may not show up and I want THE IMPORTANT PEOPLE to take turns being the center of attention and standing up and telling a short story of 30sec-2min long. I won’t stand up at all. I may sit in the back of the room with my beer.

It is an opportunity for every one to show how much MORE IMPORTANT you/they are than me. I’ll stay seated, you can take turns OWNING THE ROOM. I may even enjoy your stories! We all may.

Note: If this goes well, I’ll sponsor the event every summer! It’ll be my little way of supporting local craft brews and San Diegans.