a “Steven” Did Identify Me and Put an Arm Around My Shoulders in the 1970s

As an IP person. What was NOT CLEAR was which one I was. It sounded like he may have thought I was also an “IP trader” like Jeff Shell, Donna Langley. I was an “IP slave” to mafia at the time. It means some mafia did very much know which human I was. It could be why I did visit Jefferey Epstein’s island and also was dismissed from it. I had also been to Washington D.C. and dismissed from there also. Part of the problem… may have been the false surrogates. Some may have been real criminal mafia and gangsters part of California and beyond into the Pacific and into Asia. People made it look like I was supposed to return to Honolulu, HI since I could not be “Clem’s wife” in San Diego, CA. I was kicked out of La Jolla, CA in the 1970s because criminal gang members were really messing with me. I got blocked at schools also. Gang members took me to them, said, “Clinton was replacing me.” I had to beg to be removed also. They were even taking me south of the border and messing with me in Mexico. I didn’t mind meeting people in Mexico. U.S. and Mexico have similar problems. As a youth it was not bad to see things. I did get scared at times because I was not certain what was truly going on. My visiting Mexico and beyond may have been after I visited the United Nations people, not certain.

I was never certain what was sponsored by WGA in my early life or investment people from more than one IP. I was uncertain who the contacts actually were. I just took the experiences and tried to embrace and participate in my own way. Also was not certain if I was kidnapped or not. Could have been a mix.

I was taken to the WGA in the 1970s and a group showed up there. One of the speaking gang members was a “Mamie”. I had a tough time understanding if she was a lead or a pawn. It looked like she was telling me NOT to be there. That a group was managing the IPs there in my name permanently. It is tough to remember because I was under seven, maybe only 5-6 years old. I was brought there in a rough and tumble way, not polite and prepared. People looked like they were trying to be polite and firm, some were more criminal looking. At the time I may have wondered: “What is the trouble? Why can’t they use one name to gang up on, and allow me another one if I needed it?” Even as a youth I had already learned about “filing systems” in an office. Back then a typical office had one manilla folder per employee. I would have assumed the WGA would have had “a folder” for each writer. If they were bigger, several or a whole drawer.