I was also the Original “Mallory Reaves” It was MORE DUCK HUMOR.

This is where I have to make this more clear for EVERYONE apparently. The gang leaders of the 1970s knew I was small. Some really liked boosting things I said and using for themselves. Not all stayed in the United States. Some barely met me and left, and I never saw them ever again.

For a short time I was “Donald Duck Trump” and then “Mallory Duck Reaves” in the 1970s. I honestly had a pet duck for a while in Honolulu, watched Donald Duck on Disney… AND I was DUCKING all kinds of CRAZY gang things while young. (Encountered Mallard ducks a lot while visiting parks and zoos). I was TAKEN TO MARC SCOTT ZICREE and MICHAEL REAVES in Los Angeles, CA while I was young. I didn’t get to know them well. The Mexican mafia pushed me on them. One of those Marc’s announced at the WGA as well as the Motion Picture Academy of Arts and Sciences that he was going to be me for me there with the Hollywood community. I was a youth who needed to go home to Hawaii and grow up. I also met Neil Gaiman and had some good chats with him too! It was a LONG TIME AGO. I have not been able to return to these people and be good friends with them at all. I got very trafficked to them for some visits since the 1970s and that was about it.

As recent as 2012-current, I was able to connect with Marc and Elaine Zicree for Space Command via Kickstarter, and likewise Michael Reaves for Blood Kiss. I was very limited to what I could do. I was NOT AWARE of who was who enough nor who to get with to make any changes for my clout to interact with these people and the IPs they were/are playing with.

What this all means is… those talented people are leadership people in Los Angeles, CA and have been a very long time. They’ve been busy in their own lives with their own people all these decades. I appear kinda still dead meat to them and not able to do much with or for them. I probably don’t need to. I had gotten bored and needed mental stimulation, I admit it. There is a very real Mallory Reaves who is a daughter for Michael Reaves and she has been a long time. She is a gang member also.

These people I write about in this post are replacements of me for Los Angeles, CA people/gangs. There are many others who also “took my place” for IN PERSON in Los Angeles, CA. They were likely arranged by mafia people a very long time ago. Some of those mafia may have been Joe Biden’s peoples or Donald Trump’s. I was just a baby to some of their young people in the 1970s and 80s. I didn’t get to spend time with people as friends and social contacts.

I hope this post helps the Crisara’s and their people. I was important a long time ago, still have some importance… however these days my life is quite mellow and I am not very active with any teams or groups for anything. There are people who have known me since the 1970s and know I haven’t done as much as others. Also, “my work” may have ended decades ago to be honest.

Why SNOOPERS are a Bad Idea for Content Creators, in Support of WGA (Writers Guild of America)

for Robin Masters

I’ve been a target so long I forgot it was going on. This is why I have NO CAREER. I got ruthlessly snooped, then copy catted before I was even in grade school. I never became a professional at anything. I was forced to sit at home while others talked about MY IDEAS. Some people even capitalized off them. Some came after ME to pay them, even support their families while I had no job and they tried to get one with my ideas. Not a joke.

THE PROBLEM with never owning your own content is that someone else may be running around trying to sell it for themselves or other people. This is a BIG BAD NEWS THING for professional writers and they get protection by peers and professional guilds like The Writers Guild of America. I’m not a member, but I should be at this point.

SNOOPERS are as bad an idea as AI(artificial intelligence) for writers. They are basically saying, “No, we don’t want your writing–as yours.” This sounds very convenient to professionals who do not want to pay for a writer or a writer for paying a ghost writer.

What if a famous writer like Stephen King was known only a decade and then he “went into hiding or stopped writing to take up sports”? What if someone was forcing him NOT to work, NOT to earn, NOT to be attached to his own content? And during the time he is on hiatus or vacation… A NEW writer becomes famous? I believe this happens a lot in the entertainment business. Helping a new writer get started is one thing. Discovering a new talent sounds cool. But what if your favorite writer was forced to sit at home without a computer, no pen, nothing to write with or record their ideas and someone else sat with them day after day… writing notes they dictated and gave it all to someone else to be “famous with”? Would you approve of it? What if they were sitting at home and just finishing a new novel and were attacked, and the novel stolen and given to a different publisher even in another country? SNOOPERS steal things off computers. Hit people steal physical things from homes.

In support of WRITERS… we all, the world… every one of us… should BE HAPPY to pay a writer. Old ones, new ones, good ones… even some not-so-good ones. Not everyone is going to be great at it. In the United States, the Writers Guild is on strike as I write this. Yes, I am writing on my own. The professional writers who create content for screens are asking for content producers to renegotiate their contract work and give AI a backseat, maybe even toss it out of professional writing work. You can read more here >> WRITERS ON STRIKE

THIS SHOULD SCARE people that theft of content happens so regularly that it became acceptable along the way to law enforcement. What if the content was from a doctor? Or a scientist? And you, the injured goes to a specialist who has some of the ideas from a real doctor and pretends to know medicine–and charges you thousands of dollars over the year to heal you–and you never heal but they continue to make money?

This is why WE HAVE PROFESSIONAL people. We want the educated, approved, and insured to handle work that people pay for. We want regulation. We want honesty. I am behind the Writers Guild of America. I am not behind them IF they themselves or members sent criminal snoopers after me and others. It is a good time to COME CLEAN.

I wouldn’t have written about this when I was a youth. But now I’m 50 years old and I am sitting at home, a “never was”.