What We Are Wearing in Public

Preface. This is both a small and big topic in my humble opinion. Let me keep the shortest version. The long version includes self image and projections, attitudes, special occasions and what’s in fashion. The short version is clothing only based on what we are doing and who we are on a daily basis. I’m also going to focus on the United States of America’s southwest region. It is the one I know most and it covers warm and cold weather. My readership is likely familiar with it also. People from all over the world know Los Angeles, CA for instance.

If you took a snapshot of people out in public midday during the work week of Monday through Friday this is a hint at what people are wearing and what it means to an average person. Writing this because people from other countries may not realize what it looks like to the regulars around town. Hoping also my Hawaii people(friends and strangers) get why I wear certain things when I leave California and visit Hawaii and I have difficulty switching over to island styles. Here is what it looks like.

Who is dressing the best midday during the work week? Usually professional office personnel. This includes both civilian and military. Next are the people who visit those people. Below that group are people in schools whether teacher or student. Then it is the service people whether they are in uniforms or just good work clothing. Below them are the people being serviced in casual clothing such as someone taking their car to get repairs, grocery shopping. Below those consumers and customers are their children and people they hire with cash. Children may or may not dress as well as parents and guardians. People who are only working on a cash basis tend to be dressed the least expensive and important wearing clothes suitable for work ranging from errands to hard labor.

What gets confusing is when people dress lower or higher than they actually are. For instance, some wealthy people just wear very casual clothes in public–they may have been working on their own car or yard, or were out doing a sport such as surfing, skateboarding, bicycling and others. Also there are low workforce people and migrants who have paid for or stolen more expensive clothes and are pretending things–like being more important than the full time wealthy, military, school and office people.

It gets even more confusing when important people dress very casual like a migrant or service person and migrants dress like people working in administration and politics. I find it WORRISOME when well dressed poor people behave entitled around actual important people dressed casually who look scared and terrorized.

I need to pause here. It is troubling me to write this out.

If you believe in the ‘wind’… it is admitting I was “terrorized by Kremlin partners” and forced to look like a migrant to Russians in Hawaii in my youth. Those partners may have been migrants from south of the California/Mexico border.

A Weak Life

A long time ago I was told about a “weak life” and so young that I said back, “…a week life? Does this mean I only have a week to live my life?” What it really meant is someone decided to prevent ongoing gang violence in my life that I was to be taken down to a level of living that makes someone a weakling, frail. They did it to me so young, it has been the only life I’ve known.

I’ve written many times now online “there is a problem” since 2020 when I noticed there may still be gang members copy catting me, even doing as thoroughly as “Russian married”(impostering, deep faking). I had to split off to alert people WHICH person I am. I’ve been doing this for years now. Gang members had to hide me in the 1970s many times because they didn’t want people to think they were pedophiles. It got so very stuck, I wasn’t sure who I was anymore. I am these days authentically over 150lbs and shorter than 5ft10in, taller than 5ft5in. I am NOT a small human by size. I am disabled more than people know about and that is the concern I wished to impress upon others. I still have internal injuries not healed perfectly since the 1970s. I’ve also survived many toxins, some of which may have been given to me directly with the goal in mind to keep me an at home person, not a robust body in a workforce.

I CANNOT be used as a free previs person this way! Following me as a weakling without good money to work with is not a good idea. I can’t pretend things.

How can I look so tall and heavy and not be strong? Internal injuries. Notably my skeleton’s geometry is off from criminal hits in my youth that were not fully healed as my body grew. Holding up, maneuvering my self around even at home fatigues me more than a healthy, strait, balancing body. I’ve also survived injuries to internal organs so they are not ever going to work at 100% ability.

Gangsters and mafia helped create me as tough as I could be as a WEAK LIFE person. It honestly means someone tougher, better connected is “doing my real life’s work” in the workforce somewhere. They actually are or have worked and had work earnings. Most of my life, maybe all of it… I was paid through passive, personal not work place sources.

What is a weak life person? They are very soft and frail compared to people who work full time as genuine worker. Here is an extreme illustration of it: a petite gentle woman who politely reads books and does artwork at home every day, and not all day compared to a construction worker who works 8-12 hours daily that can lift concrete bags of 50-80lbs, drives big heavy machinery almost all day long. She is weak, he is strong. I have been so weak many times in life that I was NOT STRONG ENOUGH to read books all day. I’d fall asleep, took naps during the day even as an adult. So weak at times, walking a block or two to buy a coffee was not a thing I could do. I can’t right now either.

I’ve tried to fight being a weak life person. I’ve exercised to be mildly athletic, used lots of mind control, took pain killers. I can’t do this kind of thing at this age! So it is a definite retirement age I am embracing. My mind is not bad, I just can’t join a group or groups, teams, companies who REQUIRE strong people for daily work. Some days I look okay, just tired. Other days I can’t muster enough strength to go to a grocery store or it takes me a couple of days to talk myself into doing it. I am pathetic. NOT THE WAY I WANTED TO BE IN LIFE.

It may have had to happen. It did CURE the SPELL on me in my youth and that was all kinds of people kidnapping me. They also had to remind others who I actually was instead of just pretending all kinds of things about me.

My weak life and handicapped body forces me to sit at home while others are doing much bigger things. I can look okay, I am not.