Spirit Among Criminals? They Wouldn’t Adopt Me Most My Life.

A long time ago, I thought if I joined with criminals they’d treat me more like a partner. It didn’t go that way at all. Often people just beat me up and defamed me as if I was the only criminal in the equation and they were saints to bring me to work places to SPEAK about content ideas for free!

I was genuinely worried I was going to be mrdrd each time I was kidnapped. Thought my pending collapse and black out my last. So every time I tried to speak well, often thinking it may be my last speech.

Turns out criminals who adopted me only did it when I was very young and looked like “someone else’s child” even their own.

I am/was NOT One of the Hired “Crazy Ones”

In the 1970s, a group of women and perhaps some men… teens and older, were hired to promote ideas, even threaten and force them in public and private places. I was erroneously grabbed to be with them at Sesame Street by a young man using the name “Clinton”. Some of those people got the vessel Kaleidoscope which I visited as a child and THEY KNEW I was too young to be involved. I was STILL GRABBED it appears by Mexico City(?) people for other things and I am not certain what was going right or wrong to be honest. I am not certain to this day if the gang members who grabbed me knew who I was for real. They didn’t seem to even want to speak with me, which was my strong point… speaking. I was just taken to places and left–sometimes sound asleep and strangers woke me up.

One of the places I ended up in the late 1970s was Carlsbad, CA. I met some gang members there, sort of. It looked very dangerous and confusing. They were surprised I was brought to them. I was injured and people kept trying to injure me. I am not certain if it was to save me from being mrdrd or because they wanted to do it themselves. I bring this up because I may have crossed paths with people who still know of me now, they are just not regular contacts of mine at all. They may or may not have known me from the U.N. and U.S. White House. Not certain. I’m not asking for them, just reminding people I barely met people in passing and never got back to sit down and know them later.

I’m alive. I did survive. Not without injury.

Threats on the ‘wind’, Right Now

I may have neighbors waiting to harm me no matter what I write online or offline. It is not clear to me why they would other than I am not a hired writer* in the United States of America… where all citizens actually have a RIGHT OF FREE SPEECH here. We don’t have a right to encourage violence and illegal things.

*There are some people who get jealous quickly even of people who can write decently and are not professionally hired or paid. I am not even certain who would cause harm to a decent, unpaid, amateur writer? A professional writer? A gangster child who looks for things to be jealous of anywhere with anyone?

I feel there may be terrorists living nearby, the kind who are so fearless they even threaten law enforcement and are willing to combat even try to rob and slander active U.S. military(I am child of someone who was in the U.S. Armed Forces doing civilian-like things who died a long time ago).

Just posted some writing on Donald Trump and the ‘wind’ came alive about harming me. Honestly. Am not certain who is on it nor who they are calling upon to pay attention. I have been injured by gang members in the past and was not certain what was going on. Really had more than my “fair share” of taking blows in life. I’m supposed to be an average retired person now. My opinions are my own, and mostly try to be very objective and constructive in my expressions.