Really, there were two Mexican women who people created or put in the context of Club33 at Disney for people to talk to because I was really just a lone influencer. I was young, not an adult, and not even old enough to have real work and sponsorship to be a member there. They knew all kinds of things and were coached on what to say to people.
My concern is… they may have “taken my place” with people far from Club33 and should not have… conversely, was I forced to take their places and should not have?
Honestly. Are they the ones the Chula Vista gals in Lynnwood were supposed to know for instructions and money? Are those two gals also connected well in Washington D.C. or were trying to in the 1970s? What about two Mexican gals trying to live in La Jolla, CA and then could not and wanted me to take their place in it and be snooped? What about two gals who were making claims in the 1970s that “Clem was their sx slave?” I was not certain who they were in the 1970s nor what they were representative of. How many pairs are or were there?
The “pair of women” may have been real gang members with genuinely good contacts and connections. They may have been a lot more helpful than me in all kinds of places. At minimum they were likely BILINGUAL… speaking English and Mexican/Spanish.
L.A. courts has a hold on me, much too long. Looks pre-planned, however I was not reminded or brought up to speed, or even informed properly of what it all is. The biggest problem is I have been a pure “criminal case”… NOT a “big Steven” who is mafia connected that can just talk to people… anyone… in L.A. As I child I did somewhat, I can’t do this as a very diminished adult.
I may need even some Mexican(Mexico City?) powers to step in to release me from L.A. I can’t actually do anything for anyone. I’m too smashed down, ruined, disconnected. I shouldn’t be hostaged for anything as I was not authentically connected to big enough money. My own people are not big now if they ever were. They may have been falsely boosted like I was at times. We were able to step up and mediate with people. Even small leadership things. Mostly I’ve lived a quiet life at home, unaware and uninformed about a whole lot of things.
I’m not the one who is best KEY for the L.A. court houses. I have a feeling the bigger people paid people off to keep them out and away, and yet they would be ideal to help problems. I may have been a virtual leadership person for migrants a long time ago, but as such I can’t do a thing in person at all. There are many migrants with more clout than me!
For me to speak up in person, in public places… I would have needed a team of people with me and I’ve had none. No one from any big companies has come to stand beside me to talk with others in L.A. Last time it really happened was in my youth!
I can’t just “fix something” for people. I need to talk with others in charge of things. Have to be aware of what is actually going on. I personally would not have the powers to make changes. I’d have to work with others in a democracy.
Likely it would take a group of people to fix anything for a group of people.
Realizing others may be saying this also.
* “Politician” does not have to be an elected and hired city or state public servant, could be just someone well known to many people.
Actually are the Scotts and their associates. Devin and Jeanne Scott of American Dream Cinema. I was placed on board their vessel Scott’s Landing and it was announced with me standing present to what appeared to be local San Diegan gang and political leadership people, including Wally Schlotter. I was not a legal adult until many years after that and was not included in the mix, by the way. They knew I was returning to Hawaii. Didn’t announce me and what I was to be doing in the present or future.
Devin Scott, a known local film director in San Diego, CA has a green sports car. In recent years I finally was able to obtain a white compact one, similar to one of my Japanese Yakuza fathers in Hawaii once drove. I want people to know, even if I was not born Japanese, I may have been partially raised by their people (through their connections, not directly). Likely Democrats in 1970s Hawaii who may or may not have stayed in the United States. More profound is I was also a Republican through my false husbands in California. And I was also Independent possibly through very established politicians on the east coast of the United States.
I told people in the 1970s that I’d try to help people make money. I was not the funding source itself. People tried to make me look like it though. My clout was through working well connected politicians not patrons of the arts. I got sabotaged by greedy and jealous peoples. Whatever money making work I could have gotten I was mugged for it and forced to stay home injured and drugged so I forgot what happened. I was not allowed to be a player, or a gang member. I was labeled a “sister” and “wife” to stay out of things.
Really got overwhelmed while young, by bigger people than me. I accept this. Am not trying to push back at all. People need to know what happened though. Why I am not well connected and very isolated and a one-off, single person on my own most of the time. A loner. Because of my smallness, mugged self and low funding… I was never able to return in person to local politicians and their people in higher places. I’ve stayed far away, just living a messed up minimal life.
I’ve been slandered about for decades. That’s why when I show up places people are not certain who I even am. My fake relatives don’t know me either. They think they do, but mostly they know their fellow gang members not me at all. Would it surprise you.. and you… or you… to know that possibly if I showed up at the United Nations or more than one country’s leadership palace outside of the United States of America I would be recognized correctly? They would likely all admit I am retired from any commitments and duties I once had a long time ago. That I now look like an average citizen again.
Something to remember about a team of people no matter the size. Each person has a job to do, big or small. If someone gets injured or sick, others fill in. If the sick and injured recover, they are given work to do that they can handle. It could be said that planet Earth is like a big ant farm and we are the ants. There are many of us here. In theory no one has to work really hard if we each do a little something.