I Do Care About People, Even Strangers Here’s Why

We all have struggles. Some people get through life easier than others. Some carry a lot of weight… loads of problems and solutions. Some not a lot, mostly their own. We all have to consider OTHERS even in our small lives/worlds.

I know some people had to help me, and I gave what I could with what I’ve had.

I personally was never endowed with A LOT OF MONEY. I had to work with others when I was a lot younger, people with and without funds to get things done.

It took bigger people than me to hold and move monies around. Bigger people than me HIRED and MANAGED others.

I SURE GOT MESSED UP A LOT! I also had times of life when I was not so messed up. Times of troubles, times of healing. I was not always able to do good messaging, be a good messenger. I actually got sabotaged really badly by jealous gang members who admitted they were doing it!

I had to live as a sea hag for decades, most of my life. Because of this ROLE, this position, this character I was limited to mostly just talking with people. My body took a lot of hits. I couldn’t hold or manage monies for myself well or others. Even now people have terrorized me when I had some decent money to work with. I had to use it quickly. Now I look irresponsibly in debt.

Too many REFUSED to ALLOW ME to be a wealthy or even just above average money earner in life. The idea offended people so much my life was threatened before I was in grade school. I offered to stay small. Even asked how to do it, and then others were tasked to make sure I stayed small. So I have been small, still am.

I CAN STILL SPEAK WELL*. I’m not allowed to. My talent in my youth was speaking. It got overused. Then no one wanted to hear me speak at all.

Speaking well includes SPEAKING UP FOR OTHERS. I want to remind people of this.

*I am out of practice, my body has had many hits since I was more well known for it. I am more distracted, and also more educated than ever too.

Angry Because People Are Not Sharing Money?

It has been a topic a long time in my life, even before I was old enough to hold currency in my baby hands.

I’ve lost count how many people have come to me asking for money. Here is the misguided information. SOME WERE ASKED TO, JUST TO CONFIRM… that I DO NOT have money to share. Some actually beat me up to “save face” and not be embarrassed. I was very unfairly treated in this regard. MOST really came to me TOO YOUNG and actually expected real money to be handed to them.

What went wrong is I was NOT A GANG LEADER or CHILD OF ONE at the time. Not even in a neighborhood. Forget about being one at a workplace.

Are people doing this to others? Please take a step back and review what you or they are doing. You may have gone to people who actually DO NOT HAVE MONEY. Maybe someone sent you to just meet the person as a FUTURE CONTACT or one TO AVOID.

There are MANY REASONS people are sent to each other. Maybe you should OPEN A CONVERSATION? Not just ask for money? Not walk up to them with your own expectations?

Not everyone WILLING TO CHAT has money to share. Not everyone unwilling to chat is hiding money.

Are seekers, on foot… looking for money… doing the correct thing? NO. Here in the United States of America you are NOT SUPPOSED TO APPROACH STRANGERS just being themselves in public to seek money from them. This is considered harassment and a way to be arrested, even deported if you are from another country. Many people just walk away and politely say, “No.” or say nothing. Please don’t follow them.

the ‘WIND’

Is pressing me night and day
Does it think it play?

To ask me for money
Without honey
It’s not funny.

Strangers want it all.
From me.

I’m tired
And retired,

No, don’t work.
Tell US everything,
And we’ll charge you,
For us to do it.

the ‘wind’ is bothering me DAILY and NIGHTLY. And it is RELATED to me spending money on strangers and/or creating for a city that DOES NOT WANT ME INVOLVED. I have a feeling, these are not the contacts who knew me from the 1970s… or there is something I don’t know that is going on.

Was I a Mafia Mother?

(from my Linkedin Post “Compensation For?”)

Gunna just have to accept–to myself–I was a “Hollywood regular stand in” for others… and never adopted(paid) to do it there. Others just made sure I had survival money to get me through it all because of the hits I may have taken FOR OTHERS. I ended up being a hit magnet?!! But remember this too for me/us… I paid with my very messed up lifetime already. If anything, PEOPLE OWE ME MORE MONEY. Not the other way around. I’ve had to live a RUINED LIFE. I’m not suing nor invoicing, and “adults” should NOT be sending their small or full grown “children” for money or gifts.

It appears I was a MOTHER for mafia and gangster children. Responsibility got put on me for things THEY DID or SET UP or signed agreements on.

People can and will go on without me. And I need to be retired from helping strangers. Most people I ever dealt with in L.A. even Honolulu appeared to be strangers to me. I didn’t really know them.

I actually believe I’m part of a group of “poor Yugoslavians” that people were supposed to protect and take care of–even minimally, not rob and abuse!

What’s profound is that responsibilities appeared to be put upon me before I was even out of diapers. I’ve had this weight on me my whole life… to help people I didn’t even really know. The distant relative to false surrogates? I’m not sure who set this all up or how it got put together. I know human traffickers were involved. I believe they were Ukrainian-involved, which also connected me to India and Korean peoples and more.