I’m going to lean philosophical. It could be where I’ve been most of my life, with people or by myself I was doing something bigger than if I were somewhere else. Even inactive and resting up between small and big events I may have actually caused or stopped bigger things than if I had been more comfortable and somewhere else. I may have served and helped more people even if my own life was very damaged and minimized.
Why do we all live anyway? Are we each breathing just for ourselves? If I’ve actually helped more people living a destroyed life, then maybe it was worth it.
Some people live fairly simple, shallow lives and they don’t do much for others. They spend their days only thinking about themselves, doing things only for themselves. I’ve done this kind of living also, had to because I was too ill or injured to do much else.
I am having to get more selfish in recent times because I have to attend to my own needs. My body and small life need MORE OF MY ATTENTION. It is NOT a perfect life, not a wealthy one either. I am responsible for I do have. What has been given to me to use in life.