I actually helped created my very own identity early in life and it appears to have been sold many times over in different ways to men, women, children and all forms of trans. They may or may not have been legal in the U.S.A. I believe the original plan was for me to sit at home and not know many people. Due to the identity theft I was kidnapped and people had many false expectations for me. Instead of crying and yelling my brains out I AGREED to help people who actually had stolen it and their peoples. What has happened is I got very caught up in gangster and mafia problems and I learned things. I was a stand in, a visitor, not a full time work force person though. A mythical creature of many identities before I was an adult. As an individual, I stood in for adults and children in places who were out of country, in prison or not yet born. It allowed people to meet me and remember which child I was.
My health(physical, financial and mental) is NOT GOOD ENOUGH to continue to be a “good sport” and just fill in for people. I can’t make in person appearances as a “sea hag” or “convict producer” or “gangster’s child” or “mafia child” with a variety of borrowed clout to help move anything around.
There is another post I wrote about being Mugged at Firebaugh. I’ve been mugged elsewhere too. It got very out of hand in my youth. The gangs knew I didn’t belong around their tough high level people. So I came and went. I probably would have known the British Royalty better if I hadn’t been so caught up with the identity theft. They are high level people who were not beating me up.
I’m hoping to continue as a little writer, even do some very small public speaking someday. It may not happen because of the identity theft. Bigger people than me have used things I helped create with teams of others. They may not wish me to step up and look better than some of their current younger people.
Reminder that identity theft can be in whole or partial. People may have used my name(s) and likenesses in the U.S.A., past addresses, old friends, former family members, favorite locations, schools and more. Some may have been high level people in society knowingly using my name just on paperwork and knowing I was politely sitting at home, others may have been migrants who had no idea who I was and willing to end my life to have a U.S. identity based on forged documents and fake ID’s.