It Takes Money to Campaign

I actually did a one person campaign from 2019-2022. I was hoping to get plugged into new people or connected anew to people I hadn’t been connected well to in the past. It didn’t really happen. Honestly, I got killed instead.

Really half expected a Hollywood team to offer me even a small deal in development. I did not get one. Now I’ve spent off all kinds of my personal funds to get noticed and properly identified, even for the L.A. court system. No one pulled me aside to chat about anything other than being in trouble with the law over Twitter posts. Decades ago, I was just hoping to meet with people… not be their criminal case. I did not get law enforcement under those terms at all. They’ve treated me like a stranger who broke a law or came close enough to get charged for it.

These past years people behave like they do not want to know me. I’ve been treated like someone to copy cat and dismiss. It also appears they think I have money to pass around and I don’t. No one bothered to get to know me enough to discuss anything vaguely business oriented. I even got the Apple stores more than once in the past year and I was given gang bangers. thugs to speak with, not business-minded people.

Wish people to know I am back at home full time. May take years to pay off debts I’ve accumulated. There is no plan for me to live and work in L.A. or any other city that has a large entertainment community. I’m OUT.

I Need a Real Husband, Not a Gang of People to Be Married to.

Honestly, I am a wrung out human being. I’ve been over-played by men and women for the entertainment business AND politics my whole life. So overused that I actually sat around drugged and injured more than out being social or working anywhere. Now I’m very retired and people can’t use me like they did. I’m a legal U.S. citizen, pay taxes. I own real and personal property. Mostly people used my identity and forced me to be elsewhere, dead to the world, lifeless, alone.

Is there a MAN who would like to be married to a very small Spielberg legally? If not in a personal way, a professional one at a distance. Someone big enough to yell at other people, remind them I am older and not healthy, can’t participate as a trafficked, fake migrant in society? Vouch for my humanity and character?

I really only achieved influencer status here on planet Earth. While very young people saw how messed up I was getting at the thought I had high earnings being held by others. (Rumor is I had been connected to millions of U.S. dollars before I was six years old. I have no proof of this.) It killed me for work as a future real producer and company executive with associated earnings and power. Bigger people than me had to be in control, and in control of those who were doing too much trouble making. They stepped in when I was very young and even put sabotage hits on my life. Some actually physically and mentally crippled me years at a time. It is why SO IMPORTANT people know I am retired away from the life I had prior to age 50. Why I am so much freer now, and supposed to be free of gang hits for sabotage. No need now. I’m clearly on a small fixed income, and not competition nor desiring to be competitive.