What I realize may be going on even in California is that people have less money to work with and have to move closer to other people than they planned on. Some are moving into smaller apartment units, ADU’s instead of full sized homes, tract homes instead of custom homes, RV parks instead of free roaming and camping out. It may be even closer like sharing a house, an apartment, even a bedroom with others. When money is tight, people generally get closer to friends, relatives, even new neighbors. Typically downturn in wealth within a state or nation means people need to live and work closer to each other. It could mean new bonds and new forms of mental crazy too!
If you proceed ahead with a “mind for peace” before you get into a new situation, you may be better prepared to do it.

Downsizing isn’t always a negative thing! You could find new ways to save money and create new relationships with others to help you “get through this time”. Sadly, it appears EVERYONE is going through it in some way in the United States.
A contraction of wealth doesn’t have to mean a contraction in spirit! In fact, some people get more religious and pray more knowing how on the edge their financial picture may be.
Here’s what’s cool. We are supposed to be all humans. We share similar problems. You are NOT ALONE.
Don’t fear downsizing and living a simpler, less expensive life! It’s isn’t shameful in an economic downturn at all. No ridicule, no judgements. We appear all in this problem together. Surviving it.