There is a conflict. By myself cannot afford to stay in San Diego, CA as I do not have enough money. While here, gang members APPEAR TO BE hovering as if waiting to move in on me to steal money… which means I’ll be bankrupt or just lower and less able to stay if they are successful. Already I got knocked down a lot in recent years just dealing with the court case based in Los Angeles, CA…which some are now saying was created by San Diegan gang members!
Yet, if people are also trying to keep my identity present in California and also use me politely via KSPL… I need enough funding to stay. Instead of hovering to steal money, people should be helping me get new ways of income even if from various small sources.
Due to all the physical hits I survived over the decades, I cannot live as low as a real migrant (noting they are typically workforce people who are strong). My health needs more support.
I have some advice from a LONG TIME AGO. Things may have changed, so please inquire yourself. A long time ago I appear to have been connected with a MEXICAN IDENTITY in Hollywood. It was EASIER for people to use it whether U.S. citizen or from another country. It was ALSO CONNECTED to Mexican funding. Which means the Mexicans wanted to MAKE MONEY off the identity and what it was connected with.
I am NOT A MEXICAN myself. I am aware many Mexicans have used my name and nicknames, even with my blessings at times when I was a youth. However, I have a feeling some very tough, nasty criminals also got involved and thought I was a threat or competition! I am no threat, I am not competition. Also, I have a feeling people may have SPOKEN NAMES they were using and had other paperwork with their own identities on them.
My humble advice is to NEVER USE THIS IDENTITY NAME HERE. This is not one from the 1970s with all kinds of paperwork and contacts. There are OLDER IDENTITIES that may still be in use even prior to the 1970s! You need to connect with people in L.A. on identities properly or you may never get paid. You are just “saying a name” when you are around people. One of my very legal names and/or past names may be very spoken for in big cities and was used by bigger people than me with permission of the U.S. government. Meaning, the big important people know who I am, know I am small and NOT ACTIVE, RETIRED IN NATURE.
My response: I do not have a deal with Clinton. “Clinton” in the 1970s was SUPPOSED TO HELP MY PEOPLE GET MONEY, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. One got insane in the 1970s and tried to “ho” me out as a child, another one took me places and insisted on being “the Spielberg” people took care of instead of me and had me beaten up, slandered and more.
If the “Clinton” who wants money is the younger one that knows Jasmine Restaurant well, he needs those contacts not me for money anyway! They love him there. The ones in the 1970s knew that restaurant well also–and they were human traffickers who took money from trafficked people as well as people who paid them for slaves.
At least one Clinton was married to a tough gangster female “Alex” or very similar sounding name.
Decades ago, one of the Justin Lin’s asked to use “Clinton” instead of me for Fast and Furious. I have so many closed doors, “Clinton” any of them, are better off using their own contacts for money and work.
The bigger Clintons I crossed paths with in the 1970s had no plan to give me any money, they told me they wanted it all and were gathering people in Los Angeles for the work. That I was too small, that I may not even get snooped I was so small.
I could not be “Pamela Harris” who did become a known producer in Hollywood and retired. That woman GOT MUGGED herself, please don’t seek her out. In the 1970s I came up with, “Can I be ‘Kamala’ with ‘Pamela’?” I believe I had met her very briefly in Hollywood. The people she was with directed her and others to ANNOUNCE that I personally would NOT GET FUNDED in Hollywood with MAFIA MONEY. This was a very key happening! The gangsters obviously already had deals in L.A. for making content throughout the studio system.
The reason I bring this up… is because not long after I asked about being “Kamala” I was taken to a party in La Jolla, CA and to a brown skinned adult woman(in her 30s?) who looked gangster/political/executive business and I was TOLD, “This is HER, NOT YOU.” In other words, I was NOT allowed to even keep the nickname “Kamala Harris” a sidekick to “Pamela Harris” at a distance. The people who were wrangling me… may or may not have known that I knew Pamela back then. There were some very high level gangsters in La Jolla, CA in the 1970s from many countries, as well as Hollywood stars.
What I want people to know is: I DO NOT KNOW ANY OF THE KAMALA’s and am NOT CERTAIN who their people are in San Diego right now. Nor do I know HOW I WAS USED to help or moved out of the way a long time ago. Honestly, I DO NOT KNOW what the snoopers got or didn’t get from me personally.
I NEVER got to work with Pamela either. I’ve gotten to visit a long time ago she and some of her people, they looked very retired and far away from Hollywood.
I was very trafficked myself, and never got to know people well anywhere.
YES, believe I have. May have been many times in the 1970s. That’s all it was though. Some had left the U.S., some may have been stuck in jail or prison. I did not get paid that I know of. And sometimes I got grabbed, taken to a location and the real leader(or someone bigger anyway) was still around and I got beaten up! Different gangs may have not known which person I was when they asked for me to show up somewhere. I have written about being a “stand in” person many times already. I was present and given someone else’s clout a short time. It may have been how I got my previs work in my youth. I was easy to take around, people liked me, and I got to meet people a short time.
I feel some people kidnapped me in the 1970s even 1980s assuming I was my own stand alone cloutful person, had a solid identity with many people. I didn’t. I was not identified well many times and often not introduced at all by any name!
Something else happened also that people may need to wrap their minds around. “Mamie”, one of them announced in Honolulu, HI that she planned to grab and get all my contacts in California. I was age 4-6 years old. Which means whatever clout I had gathered, any reputation I had made for myself by this time… there was at least one woman planning to get and use my contacts instead of letting me use them. Some thought she was a Russian woman. Some thought she looked Russian or Ukrainian from Mexico City–a migrant where ever she was from. I know for a fact at least THREE different “Mamie’s” got more than one Michael or Miguel for years, now decades instead of me. I say instead of me… because I was taken to those men very young and taught they were my contacts, then I was coerced to allow these women to use them. So it appears more than one “Mamie” woman actually took my place with people who also knew me. They may have been older, better connected. I didn’t get to know them well at all. I may have not only lost my stand in positions, also future full time work and play with others. I can also say more than one attacked me in Honolulu, HI while I was very young. They were not physically big women themselves. I do not know if they also were Jefferey Epstein’s people.
I got to chat with the real ones or their imposters. Good conversations people decided, however it was already decided I was NOT GOING TO BE ALLOWED to be wealthy enough to return to visit with them in person ever again. I am noting the very young part because they may have looked like pedophiles because of the age difference. Some women were obsessed with the idea the only way to chat with these high level men was to be a professional escort… which may be the Jefferey Epstein’s island connection and peoples.
I could not be one of Jefferey Epstein’s people. They did not want to know me full time nor did they want to fund me. That may have been my only way to know the high level people in the United States was through his connections. More than two of “his people” were beating me up themselves, paid or not to do it. Two of them women I used to see in San Diego County, and a male connected to Hollywood. I am choosing not to write their names.
I got swapped around in my youth and over-promised. It is as simple as that. I have really done my best to try to help get myself and others through what ever the f… we had to deal with. I was unfortunately stuck with a damaged and sick body, not tough like a real gang banger. My focus then had to be creating IP assets for others to play with and make money off of. I was too disabled myself to shepherd them.
Some people may have deliberately put THE WRONG HITS ON ME. These may have been the kind I can’t pay off, I couldn’t negotiate a way out of… and they may have looked really [censored] out of place. Some say the sea hag persona hit was one of them. Getting people and places as one of those caused a certain equation every time: I was NOT GOING TO MAKE MONEY and I was drugged or damaged on arrival or during the visit. The result is that I’m an older person now retired from that old persona and I don’t have a lot of money or people contacts to show for my life. It is because of this the more recent hits like trying to steal money from me and people who have been tasked to care for my life look really [censored] out of place.
I strongly feel there are some gang people trying to pretend I never was a sea hag or crazy Steven. Let me give you an analogy: It is like saying someone with a broken arm does not have a broken arm. Like saying a car with a flat tire, does not have a flat tire. Someone who got a broken low income life, actually had a good money making one. Right now there are people after my life savings… not a job or work money. I don’t like it. Sense someone in Harvey’s group is trafficking me and possibly promising money I don’t actually have.
Please note I NEVER MARRIED for real. As a result I don’t have money from the marriage NOR CONTACTS from the husband, the relationship and related peoples. Some people from male companions I’ve tried to keep on very superficial terms, however I know they are not my own long term friends.
Who do not have realistic expectations of me personally! I was not allowed to have a husband or a long term job and career with earnings. I was mostly a thrown away person who people barely spoke with most of these decades.
I was not like a sponsored athlete that people took good care of so I could do well in the sport and make money to share.
Worse, my back and neck have been broken in front of people. Not figuratively. And that happened before I was a teenager. The adults who did it said out loud they, “No longer want money from this woman.” And it could be the hit people they had hired, or mafia they had spoken to thought I was the target before then.
And he now has charged my widowed mom $20k TWICE NOW for bailing me out of L.A.’s jail houses over my case. I’ve only been charged, not sentenced! After 3 years of hearings, I told the courthouses that, “I’ll take the felony [which is non-violent] already!” And Van Nuys Courthouse is claiming I’m now incompetent to be sentenced.
This is being very transparent on my part for everyone. I can’t actually afford the bail amounts so my mom, DNA or not… has had to step up and pay to get me released. I’m into a FOURTH year of my case with Van Nuys Superior Court. I’m told I offended… the people who are supposed to be protecting me… and they had me arrested for… what… mouthing off on Twitter in 2020 while under duress and coersion? Those comments and Twitter stream was REMOVED in early 2021, btw. Any time I was asked in person about my online Twitter comments I took them back. Even said they were not really that necessary. So not important I’ve not brought them up in person myself.
Has anyone from Home Depot, BYCORP, and/or named “Donovan” made money off my court case through Harvey? Worth investigating! Clearly I am NOT MAKING MONEY out of all this human trafficking at all.