I Have A Little Money To Get Some of Myself Healed, I Beg People…

To allow me to fully retire now and just take care of myself. Not asking for others’ funds to heal me. I DO CARE about what is going on in the world and even locally. I’m just not able to think about others right now. My own body is really out of sorts, not well. I am taking it as a sign, a cue that I am NOT to stand up and try to help others. I can’t do much anyway. There are far more capable people well known out in public doing things and have been for decades. God gave them more people to work with, stronger bodies to move around in.

I will look into the potential of joining an imposter forum sometime just to check in and let people know my lack of abilities.

There is a small possibility I’ll speak at a Starbucks coffee shop sometime just to talk with people who do want to see humble me in person. Need to verify I am not glamorous and wealthy, older/aged…and out of practice speaking? lol.

I was not planning on writing these kinds of things! I used to take some pride in being athletic even with some body issues. I can’t tough this out. I am actually weak and not feeling well.

I Want to Pray For Others. Do Still Care About People.

I should choose to hate people and be an angry person full time and stand-offish due to the mixed bag of treatment and abuses in my life. However, I’ve seen enough to know the world and its peoples need more healing than damnation.

I know not all “Mexicans” and “Mexico City” are against me or see me as a targeted human to use like a terrorized artist. I’m glad so many are NOT NEEDY. I must have gotten a group of needy people from south of the border as well as elsewhere. I have honestly tried to accommodate a lot of people especially in my youth. It was really tough going to please everyone.

Now that I am so small, even smaller in net worth than ever… yes, my own net worth went down a lot in recent years… I’m back to being a stump, NOT a Giving Tree. Even at full size, full value… I was not a very big tree. People used me for other things–like just social chatting and friendship. That is something most people can afford.

I am older now, much older than decades ago. I am limited again and again because it is very likely the big people want the attention and control of the smaller people. I can respect that.

Please, in the future… only use me as a social person. Please don’t use me like a fake relative to steal from. I’m actually a cool cat underneath the layers of fears and stresses from local and distant gang members. I’d much rather just buy a coffee now and then for someone. A simple, human gesture. I can’t right now, however maybe next year I’ll meet some new people who are willing just to be a social only connection. Please no more hit people. I am financially and emotionally very spent.

Not having much to work with, I may start a new practice of praying for others and daily. If you hear about it, please don’t copy cat verbatim? Do your own thing if you wish. Maybe if we all wish for it, we can have more peace and understandings locally and globally.

Noting I am not of any one religion at this time. Just my own individuality and a god (or gods) of unknown true nature.

a Mike is a Mike?

I’ve been having to contend with, live with being someone else most of my life. I want to note something that happened in my very early life. “a Mike” planned to be me in Hollywood. It looks like I swapped places with his peoples many times very early in the 1970s-80s. Then it looked like people were not certain what to do with me. I have a feeling this happened and I humbly suggest people leave me in peace and seek out bigger people for IN PERSON NEEDS and WANTS.

I am actually a very diminished person who is not allowed to do much in society. I do not have a large pool of contacts to help me get around. There are people keeping their eyes out for me, however they are limited and that’s likely why I can’t do more than an average person these days. For a while I appear to have taken the paths… trafficked paths… that others have done, so their contacts got me around. I can’t keep doing this. The main reason is I am retired on a limited income. I am NOT ABLE to grow new wealth by myself or teamed with others.

Please remember… my lack of wealth and connections means SOMEONE ELSE, perhaps MANY… DO have good connections and money.