I’m watching the news on social media about hurricane Helene and musing about the storm surging that is projected. Then I realize over the past few months there are yet again record breaking storms happening around our planet. Between violent rain storms and floods there are extreme heat waves. How does this compare to past history of the planet and what’s coming in the future? I’m going to save some time and copy/paste some of my own social media posts. They are opinions and observations. Just presenting them for a shared muse.

THE MOON has a gravity pull on the Earth. It is actually MOVING WATER ON IT when it gets close enough. It is actually causing STORMS from the cooling and heating in places due to water movements. It is more complicated, however it gives you AN IDEA why there are surges in water levels.
Maybe I missed this lesson in school while I was “doing other things”. THE MOON IS CHANGING the Earth every second. If what I learned of the major land masses is truth… the gravity holding the moon and the moon’s own gravity from its own spin/path is actually moving the major land masses. In some places it crushes together to form mountains, in other places it is s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d out… getting flatter, maybe even lower in elevation. It has caused the actual oceans and sea depths to change. The water itself is pulled and pushed… causing land changes also. Most of it is very slow it takes thousands of years. Major storms change the speed of change temporarily. I learned things over my lifetime anyway.
Earth is getting too hot. This is why we are getting such violent storms everywhere on planet Earth. #opinion #theory If the hottest areas on Earth get hotter over time, likely we’ll continue to get escalating violent storms over the centuries. It won’t matter if the poles lose all their ice or not.
We probably need more vegetation, plants and trees on Earth. Too much of the land is not using the sun’s energy correctly, efficiently. We may have honestly replaced too much of green lands with cement and asphalt. It may have tipped things beyond self-repair on Earth. #opinion Without enough oxygen, it is possible we have compromised the atmosphere itself. The air is NOT AS DENSE and protective of everything under it, in it.
Engineers in #aerospace #engineering could probably remark on the sky’s density now compared to 1950s. Planes and rockets have to fly at high altitudes. Density affects the efficiency of what flies through the air.
Early land explorers used to climb the highest mountains without an oxygen bottle or threat of running out of oxygen during times of extreme stress and exertion. They were likely people in very good shape to begin with, not city slickers on a tour though. It is possible even at mountain peaks the air is thinner than it was 100 years ago.
IF THE SKY IS THINNER than 50 years ago, 100 years ago, 1000 years ago. It may be WHY it is SO EASY* for the MOON to affect the Earth and water itself. The actual combined weight of the air is LESS. Not holding the Earth together like it was. #thin #sky #theory #air #oxygen #density *easier than back in time
Not to scare people… however… current trend of the Earth and Moon relationship could eventually just tear apart the surface of Earth and debatable how it will reset itself. Over 1000s-10,000s of years. “living underground” may work for a time. The lack of humanity on the surface and lack of its living and workspaces could allow for a new build up of oxygen to thicken the sky again and potentially mellow the moon’s damaging pulls and pushes. I have a hunch vegetation will take hold in the exit of humanity. By design it creates oxygen.
Alternatively, we could MAKE CERTAIN THE EARTH HAS BETTER VEGETATION COVERAGE. Even over everything we’ve built. We likely will have to slow the population growth.
Just read that #condensation actually happens sooner with MORE than LESS pressure. Something to think about regarding water, clouds and ice.
I can CONFIRM I felt lighter weight in desert terrain than around rain forests. I actually FELT THE WEIGHT of the sky in the wet tropics. I had trouble breathing the air. I also felt lightheaded far from the tropics after I was used to them like something was missing.
“Land makes human… human takes land. Land overtakes human… it lives again.”