I’m Still in the Wilderness and Not Healthy

Writing this out I feel like I’m “belly aching”! Please don’t feel you need to read this. It’s for those who are actually concerned and/or responsible for my life.

I’m not connected well anywhere these days. Many of my connections of the past have retired and passed on. They were adults when I was a youth. I have not moved up into a real in person leadership role anywhere. Others have known me better than I knew and know myself. Collectively, we know I’m not healthy and strong. If you have seen me being strong and assertive in person it was only a temporary thing. Most of the time I’ve gone home and napped, even took days to recover from doing too much with my very imperfect body.

I’ve tried my best to help my body, it just isn’t something that is going to be strong and healthy. I’m lucky to have a few hours to a day or two without having to pay for it with extended rest and recovery. There are 70+ year olds who are in better physical health than me. They walk, jog, ride bikes, chat for hours with others. They look more alive than me. Age is not always a good marker for someone’s health and abilities. Fortunately, many know I generally have given respect to elders. Elders had decided long ago I should not become famous and important. It is likely due to my body’s weak core. I would not be able to be active and contributing daily and hourly of my mind and body which is required for work places, even the gentle ones.

A lot younger I insisted on strengthening my body and tried to be athletic and keeping moving, be strong. I honestly was even doing better a few years ago. The gall bladder removal about a year ago may be playing on me more than I realized. I am weaker, feeling a general illness daily even sitting around at home. Trying to stay alive even at home I am doing house chores like cleaning and cooking. It really is tiring me out though and I have to nap or just lay down for a couple of hours. It is making me feel old. Thankfully I do pep up and recharge enough to remind me I am a useful person.

It’s almost 8pm right now. Since 8am I helped get the small Thanksgiving meal together today and ate some also! Also I stood up and did a lot of the dish washing also. I’m laying in bed right now, not feeling good. Inspired to write this out.

If I were better connected, I’d be on the phone wishing people Happy Thanksgiving and also letting them know I’m not well. I’m so much in the wilderness not one person emails with me to chat about anything. They may know how dead I am to work force people and that I am actually ill. They are not saying it, not talking about me because they are concerned about their own work and the people they know better. Yes! It really is this way. I can’t remember when even a fake relative gave me a phone call or email to wish me better health.

I have a court date coming up. It’s way up in L.A. over 110mi from where I am sitting. I’m going to attempt to drive up there for it and pray my health holds up enough to get me through the day and back home again. Actually kind of scared of the system these days. I am worried that L.A. people are still trying to bind me to their city and the works I was only connected to by faint vapor. I can’t be a full time resident in a home or in their county facilities.

I’ve honestly tried to be what people needed of me all these decades. It wasn’t clear because different groups and individuals had different needs. Just don’t have the kind of wealth and health work place people have. Please note… some tough mafia people sized me up in the 1970s. They didn’t want me because I wasn’t wealthy enough even as a child. They also didn’t like the idea of me participating in person with mafia people because I was clearly weak and weakened by gang members already.

In my life definitely people saw to it I got health care, but not always. Some have left me very imperfect to REMIND the gang-bangers to leave me alone. I’m already “dead meat”. Again I was labeled “sea hag” which means mafia gave me a very difficult, tough path. I cannot leap off that life work and path and be a funding support person now. People who can fund others have a very good income, usually with or from decades of work place related earnings. Being a sea hag… I was kept from work places and normal work. Still contributed my life and spirit.

In essence and bold reality.. I appear to have been RETIRED from being a sea hag. If you don’t know what those are, you need to ask people who do know. They are NOT money handlers, pay pals, or funding partners for instance.

If you are a gang member from San Diego: If I was on the same team as “Steven H.” a long time ago, I was not a cash and carry person. I was just a baby in the mix.

At Home, with Illnesses

Feeling like I’ve written enough to last through this month, maybe next I want to stop here. Before I log off, please note I am at home ill, not healthy at all. Just thinking about jumping in the car to fill up the tank and round trip home feels like a, “No.” I was away for over five weeks. Each day my health took a hit. It may be at least that amount of time again before I recover to a better well being. I am weak and laying around a lot. Not yet well enough to prepare a full meal and eat it.

I may have to return to Los Angeles, CA next month for some more legal stuff. Hopefully it’ll be concise. Catch you later. I’m off social media as well for at least another month.

Update (11/19/2024): I am feeling a little better, still low on energy. No big plans, no big ambitions. I humbly apologize if there are still people trying to use me even from a distance. They should not be. I’m an older, tired, ill person. I honestly can’t shoulder(carry upon my shoulders) or pretend things for others. Please ask them to use someone else. It got too criminal a long time ago. If some of my online writings can help people, please refer and use those… not me as a human being, please don’t try to. My identity has changed a lot since the 1970s. I can’t be that 1970s person again.*

*All kinds of gang members from more than one gang “killed” me in the 1970s just so they could work with people older and wealthier than me. I also appear to have swapped places with a leadership person connected to Firebaugh, CA more than once. I have not been enabled to sustain a leadership role full time(anywhere), only under special circumstances as granted by leadership people. I’ve done what I could, am having to embrace “retirement age” along with others. And reality is, it takes a team of people to get big things to work.


“Sarah, why are you bringing this up?” I’ve had this VERY BADLY at times in life and people did not want to help me understand it, get health care for it. Having too much carbon dioxide in my body. It can be a very nasty, scary thing to experience and it is very treatable!

What is hypercapnia? Here are some links to articles that exist at the time of my including them.

What To Know About Hypercapnia – Health.com

Hypercapnia – ClevelandClinic.org

Hypercapnia (Hypercarbia) – WebMD.com

Also wish to note that I was diagnosed as being anemic recently. Some denied it. Here is a screenshot of recent blood work. HCT low means LOW RED BLOOD CELL COUNT. It can be temporary and very fixable even with a change of diet and more oxygen, less carbon dioxide in the body. Ironically, RED BLOOD CELLS are the ones that carry oxygen. So if you are low on them you are likely to get hypercapnia faster.