I’ve Read Online There Are Changes Going on in Professional Entertainment Cities Also (Scaling Down)

What’s happening to me far from a big entertainment city may be a reflection of what’s going on in them. I’ve read they are doing mergers and laying off thousands of people. Not to say they may not get hired back at some point, but for the time being they are out of work and may have had to also slow down and get smaller to get by on a lower income. So what’s going on with me is I see that I AM NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO IMPROVE MY INCOME. I have to work with what I have and WITHOUT A HUSBAND. I’ve had some real or fake family to be with at times in life, however they too have expenses.

It has happened a lot in my life that I had to BE AWAY FROM real or fake family to live with. Its even happened I was given money to live on and it was all stolen while I lived with them. I am better off just small by myself somewhere. It may not be in California, it is an expensive state and many people who knew me left a long time ago.

IDEALLY… people who don’t have enough money gather together and share a decent home. I’ve been too compromised, even drugged and attacked so I don’t want to try that again. It got too criminal. My wallet and identity just got stolen by more migrants while I was in the home drugged and sick from the mugging. Not a joke. That was Los Angeles(a few times) as well as Maui (1970s).

Now days if people try to steal my identity they’ll get thrown in jail and/or deported. So please don’t try this again.

Even right now, there may be migrants (gang members) hoping I’ll move again so they can live where I was and pretend things. Be aware of the game that may be going on. They may not be people I’ve even heard of or if I have heard of them, I may not know them well at all. They may have eavesdropped on me for years and been involved with human trafficking, so they may have real information on me… or not.

Even as I am right now in debt, there may be a gang member pretending I’m supposed to support them and/or buy them and their husband a home to live in. I’M NOT THAT ONE. That was a “Donna” a long time ago. I never became one of those hired professional women who were also gang connected.

I’m writing all this out because I have a feeling this is happening to others in big cities in California at least. People pretended I was a migrant worker many times in my life because “…they wanted to swap into my job…” and it was said in person to me before I was even ten years old. Someone may have trafficked me into places and doing things just so AN ADULT HAD A PLACE TO STEP INTO. Just be aware… I never got to return to 99.999% of them.

Stranger Than Fiction? People, Places and Names.

It was known that a “Clinton” was human trafficking me in the 1970s and possibly paid for by a current or former employee of BYCORP Construction. “Clinton” was a known paid trafficker of Chinese and Taiwanese people in San Diego, CA. He actually GRABBED ME and tried to SELL ME to incoming immigrants more than once before I was old enough to attend grade school. They looked Chinese and separately people from India.

Here is the actual stranger than fiction. These TWO WOMEN are known gang members who used my name in San Diego, CA and Los Angeles, CA and possibly in Honolulu, HI. “Michelle Kirksey” and “Mamie McCall”. When I was under six years old there was a “Clinton” and “Alex” connected with BYCORP who also used my name(s) in Los Angeles, CA. These were adults knowingly using my name(s). This doesn’t include also “Joshua Kushner, Jr.” a known brown Mexican gang member who people pretended was my husband.

I have witnessed at least 3-4 different men using the name “Clinton” before the 1980s. They all looked lean, tall, white/Caucasian and gangster.

This does not include gangster/mafia women using the first name of “Donna”. There has been at least one in Chula Vista, CA as well as one in Oceanside, CA who spoke with me in my youth. Both knew who I was.

How many “Alex” people(men and women) are in a job position or living in a location I was in theory supposed to be a part of, right now? I can say I have witnessed at least one “Alex” in San Diego, CA living in a home people pretended I owned. Another “Alex” I have worked with in person on a major feature movie in a job I wanted as a child.

The point in all this is… I’ve been replaced by gang members in all kinds of places FULL TIME. I got those places/locations(even job) a long time ago and met with others and it was established I was involved… then I was never again at those locations for the same reason. None of these people who replaced me, or took my place… are long term contacts and friends. I don’t even know what names they have on their own documents. I wonder to this day…”Who do they think they are now?” AND “Who do they think I am?”

I was a youth when I was taken to the Van Nuys Superior Courthouse and asked to help “previsualize some things”. I was asked to DO IT FOR A “STEVEN”. Over the decades… I … YES ME!!! Was taken back to the courthouse and placed in the DEFENDANT SEAT as if I was… a STEVEN. I was IN TROUBLE and BEING A STEVEN for …who?? And that’s the troubling part. The role reversal? The swap? Are people aware? I do not have mafia or gangster or gang member contacts to help me. I am being trafficked. I do not use the name Steven, by the way. I’m willing to wager… all these names I’ve mentioned in the post may have AUTHENTICALLY used the name “Steven” in public places over the decades and have been transacting in Los Angeles, CA with fellow gang members, mafia people and more.

a Mike is a Mike?

I’ve been having to contend with, live with being someone else most of my life. I want to note something that happened in my very early life. “a Mike” planned to be me in Hollywood. It looks like I swapped places with his peoples many times very early in the 1970s-80s. Then it looked like people were not certain what to do with me. I have a feeling this happened and I humbly suggest people leave me in peace and seek out bigger people for IN PERSON NEEDS and WANTS.

I am actually a very diminished person who is not allowed to do much in society. I do not have a large pool of contacts to help me get around. There are people keeping their eyes out for me, however they are limited and that’s likely why I can’t do more than an average person these days. For a while I appear to have taken the paths… trafficked paths… that others have done, so their contacts got me around. I can’t keep doing this. The main reason is I am retired on a limited income. I am NOT ABLE to grow new wealth by myself or teamed with others.

Please remember… my lack of wealth and connections means SOMEONE ELSE, perhaps MANY… DO have good connections and money.

The Big Chair

a repost from X.com/former Twitter.com

I keep referring to “my [professional] identity” having been stolen, bought and sold, used by others. THINK OF IT… like a seat at an exclusive business club.

Alone I could not get the chair in the first place, it existed because of people bigger than me. I got to visit and sit in it briefly in life while very defamed and discredited. Personally, I couldn’t afford to keep the seat funded, nor did I have enough friends to tell others to leave it in place. I did help each person who sat in the chair in big or small ways with what I did have. Sure it happens to other small people. It is why I can’t do much in society. Big people sit in that chair all the time.

What is the seat labeled? I’m not certain what the name is these days for the paperwork. It could be under “Steven” or “Mike/Michael/Miguel” or “Donna” or “Sarah” and other possibilities.