This is such a profound title for a blog post to me personally I couldn’t start writing it without first stepping away from the computer (AFK).
Why is it profound? I’ve seen LOTS OF UNNECESSARY FORCE in my life, so much people created more of it to help get me and others into and out of trouble.
How do I explain unnecessary forces as used with and upon my life? It means pushes and pulls, directions and redirections by others of greater clout and powers that involved some form of harm. Harm can be as little as missing out on a part of life you’ll never get on up through physical injuries with medical professionals involved.
In my youth I did not understand why there was so much complication involving me and others like me. We got trafficked and guided to do some things and not do others. It caused me to not know as many people nor have as much money to work with in life.
Unnecessary force is like walking as fast as you can and someone threatens you to go faster, even physically pushing you so your coordinated steps skip around and you arrive too soon. If you arrived early for a public bus or train you end up standing around waiting. The mass transportation could be late and you missed a peaceful walk.
What if you already doing something on your own time and someone shows up with threats for you rush it? Would you want to be sitting at home working on a model boat or plane at your leisure and someone shows up and TELLS YOU to speed up the process so much so you make errors? They force you to use the paints you have around instead of buying new colors? You make the little model completely and it has errors like rough edges and paint colors from another project. What is the purpose? What if other people were eager to see what you made as you yourself would do it? The project is ruined for that purpose, isn’t it? What if the model got damaged along the way due to expediting it? What was that for? Do you blame the model maker or the force used upon them? In my youth I put together some plastic model kits from a hobby store and they were rushed and then stolen–sometimes before they were finished. I heard later people were not impressed with my skills!
Another unnecessary force in a common daily life is when someone tells you to go do something and insists upon it, and once completed no one cared about the result, the process to make it, nor the person who was asked to do it. What was all this for? What if I had to spend money on it also to get it done?
Another forced moment? What about someone insisting you to manually open an automatic door that has a motor and trigger button? Does this sound like a familiar scene in your life?
Unnecessary force could be like someone insisting you pay full price for an item even though it is publicly advertised on sale. And the person pushing you is not a stakeholder, they actually have no share in the sale of the product.
This also has happened to me, in the spirit of unnecessary force. Not giving me enough information to do something, or only enough to go so far and a group of people show up to harass, complain, even physically shove me around to finish whatever it was and to their expectations which they won’t speak on. When the reality is a single note of formal request and I could have gotten it all done before they arrived.
Ever heard of the joke about “How many _____’s does it take to screw in a light bulb?” Have you ever been in the position of needing to and while you are doing it family and friends surround you to tell you how good they are at it, how for you to do it their way, complain about your speed or the equipment you are using to get it done maybe even complain about the light bulb itself even though they won’t buy you a different one? Then because of all the noise and commotion, humans standing around in the way it takes twice as much time to get it done?
Have you experienced unnecessary force(s) in your life? You are not alone. You’ve got me to refer to also. My belief is people went too far with me, over the top, far beyond the need and they were strangers to me even if I had met them before.