Got CANCELLED in the 1970s, Here is How I Can Verify This

People used to tell me all kinds of things. What’s going on, what I can and can’t do. Even who is who. It stopped in the 1970s. My “own parents” and real or fake other family members… simply did not say much to me about anything. They ghosted me, it is not a joke. This probably coordinated around the time I was TOLD… that the Mexican mafia was switching their focus to Joe Biden’s son. I became just a much smaller periphery person thereafter. This coincides with my exiting Jefferey Epstein’s circles in person. It was determined he was not going to sponsor me. Also rumor is more than one “mom”, real or fake relative adopted another child… boy or girl. Meaning adults who were playing with me, adopted a new child into their lives. And I walked out forever from many families.

I freely spoke with people working on movies until around 1981 or so. I have a feeling I visited all kinds of places and was replaced so many times people were actually able to “allow me to sit at home more”. I don’t want to bring up what movie and tv show names were released, because back then it looked so important people were beating me up and mislabeling me so I’d be ignored, left out of any celebrations. I actually met people, got to hold some Oscars and other awards… and I was CYCLED AWAY AGAIN… looks like forever. I really never cycled back to all kinds of people. I was very misused and ALSO FOLLOWED by criminals. I didn’t want to lead them into people’s private homes and lives, it really bothered me. Some of those people walked in with guns while I was having a nice chat and just demanded things. I was horrified. I didn’t want to be that kind of “lead in”. I may have demanded and insisted to “leave me out of all this”. I can’t remember all the details: There was a problem at Fast and Furious (in the 1970s!!) that I did not want to be a potential spark for. It was better to keep me away, as I feel I may have gotten trampled by a variety of mafia and gangsters focused on bigger things, me just being “under foot”.

I’m STILL CANCELLED. Few actually tell me much about anything even now.

For instance, just in the neighborhood I am in… I didn’t learn or relearn people’s names until within the last decade. Some only within the past few years. Some of these people have been around since the 1970s and longer ago! (Saw me visit in the 1970s as a child!) These people are not friends, do not speak with me even now.

Adding this(one day later): This is significant because a cancelled person means they are NOT HIRED. Hired people are very much spoken to, are under a contract with specific guidelines and expectations. Without a contract, without regular contact and information exchanges… someone is clearly “on their own” for everything. It should mean they are free and have NO COMMITMENTS.

I Appear Ganged Up On By a Large Group of Small People With the Wrong Expectations

Who do not have realistic expectations of me personally! I was not allowed to have a husband or a long term job and career with earnings. I was mostly a thrown away person who people barely spoke with most of these decades.

I was not like a sponsored athlete that people took good care of so I could do well in the sport and make money to share.

Worse, my back and neck have been broken in front of people. Not figuratively. And that happened before I was a teenager. The adults who did it said out loud they, “No longer want money from this woman.” And it could be the hit people they had hired, or mafia they had spoken to thought I was the target before then.

Getting Rid of “Stupid” (From Our Lives)

Some humans have been given this label, PLEASE don’t push humans out the door unless they are actually dangerous to you and yours.

The real “stupid” we probably ALL NEED TO WORK ON… are the things in our lives that we keep getting involved with over and over and they are NOT HELPFUL, but HARMFUL… to our minds and/or our wallets and self worth.

“Stupid is, what stupid does!” –Yeah that too!

What I’m writing is to myself and others… I am trying to help us get stupid out of our lives. Yes, “stupid” is like a GLUE or a stinky tar we’ve used to get odd things to work together. But at some point you need to use something else, or re-work the “wiring” or “flow” or “how this thing is done”. Yup, sometimes we use “stupid” to make new things kinda.. roll… or jump… or bounce.. or just do something… but what I am suggesting to even myself is: “What can I use to replace ‘stupid’ in my life?” This is really tricky and not simple for me. Others may have less stupid-looking lives to deal with!

Here are some examples of “stupid” in someone’s life:

– Jogging daily even though you’ve had knee surgeries.
– Going to the same restaurant with the same people and running up a tab that breaks your bank account every time–they have fun, love you for it, but you spend months recovering the debt to your credit card.
– Working at a job that will never pay you enough to afford in the home you are in.
– Asking for help from someone disabled(physically or financially or?), and they keep putting you off and you can’t get your work done without them.
– Wearing clothes that don’t fit right and you get irritable because you hate the colors or fit.
– Eating your spouse’s cooking and it tastes bad all the time, and you are actually good at cooking!
– Spending money on relatives who never speak to you or help you with anything.
– Taking a certain route to work every day that includes too many traffic lights, but appears faster sometimes.
– You ask the opinion of NON-EXPERTS on a subject.
– You complain about the same thing for years instead of seeking even a small change.
– You just complain and never suggest a repair or fix or constructive change.
– You ask others for changes in your life, but you don’t or won’t change yourself at all.
– You seek only “compromise” from others, but won’t do a compromise when asked of you.

Make your own list! I dare you!

This is actually a very universal, global “thing” that EVERYONE may need to think about: REMOVING AS MUCH STUPID FROM THEIR LIVES AS POSSIBLE. We all end up getting into a groove, habits, even forcing things in relationships and more. I’m thinking now… WE ALL NEED TO PUT MORE EFFORT into removing “stupid” from our lives. And I don’t mean getting rid of human beings I mean “DEPROGRAMMING”, “ADJUSTING EXPECTATIONS”… “HELPING EACH OTHER FIGURE THINGS OUT”.