Truth is, we are all dumb-looking. We don’t even last very long. Most of us don’t make it to 100 years old!
We all have our agendas, goals in life. But we are STILL HUMANS.
Are we impressive? I don’t know. I can’t breathe under water, I don’t have wings to fly. I’m bipedal and require all kinds of foods and liquids on a regular basis. I have put up with bad humor and good humored people daily. You too?
That’s the point. We are g-damn human being. Made of flesh and bone. We can kill each other or make each other look bright or stoooopid. Humans. We are obviously here on Earth to torment each other with our “different strokes for different folks”. You know… that is ALL IT IS. Our differences are what cause conflicts. Just differences. If we were all the same we’d probably have very boring lives nodding at each other as a salute! Haha.
Really, communists may be really angry at me, socialists too. Democrats? Republicans? Religious sects? Gangs? Cults?
Why, because they can’t write like I do. Roast people with words?
Remember that. We are all HUMAN BEINGS. By design, a little different than each other. Is it worth damaging another one because they are too different? Or ending them permanently? I personally don’t think so.
The only people I think who should be ended before their natural time are the ones who m-rder people out of personal or professional conflict. Yeah re-read that one!
(Did I step far enough away from Hollywood talking yet? I’m working on it!)