A “big Mark Minor” at Mar A Lago in the 1980s…

Tried to get me to STICK TO IT. Stay there. Be present full time. Some knew I was legit back then. Trouble is… they were TRYING TO MARRY ME TO AN ADULT MALE while I was 12 years old. That big Mark knew it was NOT OKAY. He was trying to get me STUCK to Mar A Lago in some regular, even clout-ful way. Back then he looked like a big one from A.E.I.

I have a feeling, Germans(?) on the east coast knew me back then and knew how I was connected back then. BACK THEN. I don’t think I’m still connected though. Back then there was a Donald Trump* who did want to use me in person, possibly even hire me… or just have me around. The trouble is…difficulty.. I was small by myself. I had to be WITH bigger people. I had been too isolated and in the wilderness already. I hardly knew anyone. I did not have a regular group of people to spend time with.

*I met one of them while young. We “hit it off” meaning we got along. Clearly he was too old for me already, and I was still a youth.

You Need Donald and Elon. Not me now.

Please, these well connected men were developed even within my lifetime to handle people. So was Kamala Harris too, btw. There are many prevailing men and women in the public media who are very announced, known and even wealthy who can help others with advice, potentially money investments. A network of people ACTIVE in society. I believe Bob Iger is also around though probably wishing he was retired fully! If he’s game to play, please chat with that one also.

I played hard in the 1970s and somewhat 80s also. With enough memory returned, I can safely say I already contributed enough of me a long time ago! You need to get more of THE CURRENT PEOPLE… they are cool, they are smart, they are glamorous and popular! So many names I do not know about globally! I am cheering you all on.

Looks as if I have to remain seated. You know this, right? Even at the Oscars some of the top talent sometimes DO NOT GET UP AND GO TO THE STAGE for a shared award. It does not mean we who are still seated are not worthy of note, there are CHOSEN PEOPLE for certain things. I accept this myself.

I May Have Gotten Donald Trump and Elon Musk in Person While Very Young

I got to chat with the real ones or their imposters. Good conversations people decided, however it was already decided I was NOT GOING TO BE ALLOWED to be wealthy enough to return to visit with them in person ever again. I am noting the very young part because they may have looked like pedophiles because of the age difference. Some women were obsessed with the idea the only way to chat with these high level men was to be a professional escort… which may be the Jefferey Epstein’s island connection and peoples.

I could not be one of Jefferey Epstein’s people. They did not want to know me full time nor did they want to fund me. That may have been my only way to know the high level people in the United States was through his connections. More than two of “his people” were beating me up themselves, paid or not to do it. Two of them women I used to see in San Diego County, and a male connected to Hollywood. I am choosing not to write their names.

Getting Behind the Returning President Donald Trump

I’m still a part of the Joe Biden/ Kamala Harris U.S.A. right now along with so many as they are current leadership. As Donald Trump takes over the White House and presidential duties I will be a good patron of the country and get behind his leadership. It doesn’t mean I’ll agree with everything going on. I’m an older person and non-activist. Whatever I do, it will likely be mellow and passive. I’m actually impressed he worked hard to gather support to make a return to the president’s seat.

This is Donald Trump. He is a leader. He is outspoken and makes things known. He wants people to follow him.

Donald Trump, returning U.S. President. Photo appears online in many articles.

I was TOLD in my youth NOT TO GET HIRED BY Donald Trump. I don’t recall the reason(s). Must have been too charged, possibly dangerous.

Just letting people know I am not planning any in person or remote work for any politicians or executives. It appears I’ve been asked and told to take retirement age and just not be involved. If I look like I’m doing something political it is only as a one-off small person. I have no expectations of others, and I pray no one has expectations of me. I’m in the wilderness and very not informed of inside information. I am living an average person life, and smaller due to the lack of a big family to do things with.

Master Gambler Trump on Trial?

Former U.S. President Donald J. Trump, photo owned by U.S. Government
and The People of the United States.

Today Donald Trump, former U.S. president got found guilty of a list of charges that total to a possible four years in prison and fines. This is historical! Not everyone is from the United States and I am writing on the perspective of someone who is. This man appears to have been really pushed through a lot on the way to the White House and is still having to deal with the fallout, collateral damage. He is getting thrown under the bus in a very legal way. This is so typical in the U.S. to put gangsters and mafia people on trial. People like to know what happened, what went on and the speculation about things the public will never learn about.

I wish to dis-spell some fears some Trump supporters may have. This kind of man does not die easily. Even if sentenced to prison time, he is the kind who will make the best of it. It may even keep him from being assassinated by very angry past associates. He may be even more protected and shielded than a working U.S. president and maybe he can get some things cleaned up for people. There is even a possibility he won’t have to sit in a Federal prison and get a private U.S. government facility more suitable for his character.

The games most gangsters and mafia play do not stop with prison time or a conviction. Change of venue won’t stop the machines of their contacts and businesses. How things are handled, may change.

I’ve not been on any Trump staff so I have no NDA nor insider information.

Who is Donald Trump?

White House Donald J. Trump | The White House

Some links to news stories:

NBC https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/donald-trump-verdict-hush-money-trial-rcna152492

BBC bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-us-canada-65852074

CNN https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-is-now-a-convicted-felon-he-can-still-run-for-president/ar-BB1nlEs3?ocid=socialshare