Tried to get me to STICK TO IT. Stay there. Be present full time. Some knew I was legit back then. Trouble is… they were TRYING TO MARRY ME TO AN ADULT MALE while I was 12 years old. That big Mark knew it was NOT OKAY. He was trying to get me STUCK to Mar A Lago in some regular, even clout-ful way. Back then he looked like a big one from A.E.I.
I have a feeling, Germans(?) on the east coast knew me back then and knew how I was connected back then. BACK THEN. I don’t think I’m still connected though. Back then there was a Donald Trump* who did want to use me in person, possibly even hire me… or just have me around. The trouble is…difficulty.. I was small by myself. I had to be WITH bigger people. I had been too isolated and in the wilderness already. I hardly knew anyone. I did not have a regular group of people to spend time with.
*I met one of them while young. We “hit it off” meaning we got along. Clearly he was too old for me already, and I was still a youth.