
“Sarah, why are you bringing this up?” I’ve had this VERY BADLY at times in life and people did not want to help me understand it, get health care for it. Having too much carbon dioxide in my body. It can be a very nasty, scary thing to experience and it is very treatable!

What is hypercapnia? Here are some links to articles that exist at the time of my including them.

What To Know About Hypercapnia – Health.com

Hypercapnia – ClevelandClinic.org

Hypercapnia (Hypercarbia) – WebMD.com

Also wish to note that I was diagnosed as being anemic recently. Some denied it. Here is a screenshot of recent blood work. HCT low means LOW RED BLOOD CELL COUNT. It can be temporary and very fixable even with a change of diet and more oxygen, less carbon dioxide in the body. Ironically, RED BLOOD CELLS are the ones that carry oxygen. So if you are low on them you are likely to get hypercapnia faster.