the ‘wind’ is on Fire About the Idea of Ghosts

I’ll just write about this! From my experiences living it and seeing others too.

Before real humans implode or explode in joy or anger… can we recognize some people BECAME GHOSTS in front of people, in person sometimes? When things got out of hand or were about to… it was a way to dismiss people before there were real nasty gang conflicts. It was like being demoted so much to people we turned invisible. People agreed to dismiss that human instead of using them in the conflicts.

What went badly, is some could not disappear enough because of future commitments. Like myself. I got caught up in the disagreements and bad connections. I want to remind people… I got “CLOSED DOORS”. It was much worse than people can imagine. Even people who wanted to help me could not. People were SUPPOSED TO RECOGNIZE I HAD CLOSED DOORS… and was limited, severely limited. THEY WERE NOT DOING IT ENOUGH. The doors were so closed people were actually not allowing me to LEAVE PLACES sometimes and they left first.

When a person has “CLOSED DOORS” it means other people HAVE TO STEP UP AND INTO THE SITUATIONS and handle them. Sometimes it just takes a gang member who knows what is going on to explain things. Other times it may require someone gangster and/or mafia enough to actually control people. A GHOST is someone who can’t open doors or easily get people to HEAR and LISTEN TO THEM. They actually need better known people to walk in and discuss things, even with the ghost. It can be handled like a LACK OF CLOUT situation. Some ghosts CAN BE BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE EVEN FOR A WHILE. You just have to arrange it.

Some people stay ghosts to a company or corporation because THEY NEVER GOT HIRED THERE. Some lose their ghost status for a while if enough people chat with them in person and recognize them.

Can Someone Announce Me as a “Ghost Producer”?

Something just occurred to me. THIS IDEA may actually help a lot of people even in San Diego, CA understand who I was for a long time actually. And why I don’t know individuals well, nor have money to share around.

I just wrote about the difference of “human trafficker”, “leader” and being an “influencer”. Read about it here>>

What do you all think about this?

Human Traffickers Are Not Necessarily Leaders From What I’ve Seen

And the opposite can be the same: Leaders are not necessarily human traffickers. To my witness… the best of these DO NOT DO BOTH THESE TASKS or ROLES.

Human traffickers are like human resources and coordinators. Leaders are project and task specific, management. I’ve witnessed some gang members looking important trying be more than traffickers and they may not actually have enough time, contacts and clout for it. Leaders, real ones… do not have time to traffick people. All in my humble opinion.

I bring this up because some people tried to USE ME AS BOTH when I was a lot younger. It surprised me. Thankfully no one offered me money to traffick people. They didn’t offer me money to lead on some things either. I was more willing to lead on ideations on tech/creative scouts than I was planning people themselves. There appeared to be many gang members capable to helping planning people themselves because they knew their own people and the newcomers. I was someone who was NOT ALLOWED to know individuals/people well. I was allowed to be a creative spirit and something like a ghost producer.

Influencers typically LEAD ON IDEAS. They are NOT LEADERS of people themselves. So the kind of leading I was doing, was not really coordinating people and their lives. I honestly asked to focus on other things.

I am bringing this up because very often I’ve been taken or sent places and people expected me to behave like a human trafficker more than a creative or tech lead. It caused me to be confused and people standing around, disappointed.

Whether I am Stolen or Just Somewhere Else Than I was Supposed to Be…

I’m going to lean philosophical. It could be where I’ve been most of my life, with people or by myself I was doing something bigger than if I were somewhere else. Even inactive and resting up between small and big events I may have actually caused or stopped bigger things than if I had been more comfortable and somewhere else. I may have served and helped more people even if my own life was very damaged and minimized.

Why do we all live anyway? Are we each breathing just for ourselves? If I’ve actually helped more people living a destroyed life, then maybe it was worth it.

Some people live fairly simple, shallow lives and they don’t do much for others. They spend their days only thinking about themselves, doing things only for themselves. I’ve done this kind of living also, had to because I was too ill or injured to do much else.

I am having to get more selfish in recent times because I have to attend to my own needs. My body and small life need MORE OF MY ATTENTION. It is NOT a perfect life, not a wealthy one either. I am responsible for I do have. What has been given to me to use in life.

South Korean Plane Crash Few Survivors Jeju Air flight 7C2216

A moment of silence for this. There are far bigger things than my small life. I am grieving with others quietly. I pray this has nothing to do with political terrorism. I’ve flown aboard Boeing 737s in more than one model variation and they have been solid aircraft. Read more here>>

There was an airline crash last week also that I just read about. Another moment of silence for them also. Azerbaijani airliner shot down by Russia? Read here>>

A “big Mark Minor” at Mar A Lago in the 1980s…

Tried to get me to STICK TO IT. Stay there. Be present full time. Some knew I was legit back then. Trouble is… they were TRYING TO MARRY ME TO AN ADULT MALE while I was 12 years old. That big Mark knew it was NOT OKAY. He was trying to get me STUCK to Mar A Lago in some regular, even clout-ful way. Back then he looked like a big one from A.E.I.

I have a feeling, Germans(?) on the east coast knew me back then and knew how I was connected back then. BACK THEN. I don’t think I’m still connected though. Back then there was a Donald Trump* who did want to use me in person, possibly even hire me… or just have me around. The trouble is…difficulty.. I was small by myself. I had to be WITH bigger people. I had been too isolated and in the wilderness already. I hardly knew anyone. I did not have a regular group of people to spend time with.

*I met one of them while young. We “hit it off” meaning we got along. Clearly he was too old for me already, and I was still a youth.

It’s Difficult, the Position I’ve Been in With MANY PEOPLE I Could Never Speak With

I got leveraged and used more than I thought possible. My identity so obscured I looked like a kidnapped foreign national with lots of money!

The reality is, PEOPLE NEED TO HIRE ME FOR WORK… even minimal work… OR LEAVE ME ALONE. Stop trying to shake me down for money or anything.

“They [censored] Her and [censored] Her So She Wouldn’t Teach Herself.”

Likely. At minimum a “Joshua” and “Donna” from BYCORP wanted to be more important to their people. They looked young, perhaps teens. He admitted he was killing me. He battered and drugged me himself in person. They were at least 10 years older? They took me to their criminal looking “father” themselves in Chula Vista, CA as well as Los Angeles, CA — different occasions. He looked very Incan, tough, bilingual.

I overheard it said in person: PEOPLE WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO FOLLOW ME TO HAWAII FROM HOLLYWOOD. Many snoopers did, including those two. I saw them complaining arguing why they did it.

At some point I said I’d try to help them. However I got so mugged (possibly by others) I completely forgot about them MOST OF MY LIFE. In fact I am not certain which people they are now.

Honestly, most of my life I DID NOT TRY HARD TO LEARN THINGS. I honestly often let others teach me. I was too injured and sick/drugged. Easier to let others LEAD ME. I may have gotten very injured from attacks when I did look like I was teaching myself or learning by myself in the 1970s and 80s. It appeared some gang children even drugged me after they may have talked to me or taught me a little something.

Some were crazy to make me “look like a baby”. However… NO ONE WANTED TO TAKE CARE OF ME. They were treating me like an ABANDONED BABY… and I did get sick, very sick at times and even kidnapped/stolen by other gang members.

Re-Branded “Influencer” in the 1970s May Have Killed Me at Punahou School in Honolulu, HI Also

Here’s why. Suddenly NO ONE was talking to me. I was allowed to speak, and it was a VERY ODD WAY TO BE being that young and not “influenced” by others even in daily life. It was so bad, I had to beg and plead to get directions to a bathroom for instance. I remember some adults NOT SPEAKING and just stepping out of the way forcing me to FIND THEM*. Knew something was GOING VERY WRONGLY. As a child I was not certain what it was.

*Guess what? I was in an ADULT office space. I discovered how short I was and how small because the signs on the doors were very high up and the doors very heavy. I had to wait for an adult to enter the bathroom so I could go in too.